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Extrait de code HTML personnalisé


Les sections HTML personnalisées sont un excellent moyen d'embellir votre boutique Shopify ! Ils donnent à votre magasin un aspect plus professionnel et peuvent être utilisés pour présenter vos produits ou services. Dans ce tutoriel Shopify, je vous montre comment ajouter une section HTML personnalisée pour votre boutique Shopify !

L'ajout de propriétés d'éléments de ligne à votre boutique Shopify est un excellent moyen de saisir des données ou si vous avez des produits personnalisés. Dans cette vidéo, je vais vous montrer comment le faire grâce aux balises de produit.

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We cannot guarantee any profits or increases in conversion rates, as these outcomes are dependent on many external and internal factors that are not under our direct control. However, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible eCommerce website design and development services, and we will work closely with you to ensure that your website is optimized for success. We also offer ongoing support and maintenance services to help you manage and grow your online business over time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews

Product does exactly what it says it does. Setup was easy.


this is a good snippet! thanks eg

love the update

thanks for the update guys
the html and liquid is killer

i wanted this

i wanted this really bad but i didnt know how to isntall it
im not tech savvey and dont know much about shopify so i figured this would help me. i used this for a instagram section and it works so well with a instagram app

to the point

clean code and good tutorial will watch more man thanks

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