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Histoires Shopify


Il peut être difficile de garder votre boutique Shopify fraîche et à jour, mais avec l'aide de notre nouveau didacticiel vidéo, vous pouvez ajouter des histoires à votre thème en quelques clics ! Les histoires sont un excellent moyen de mettre en avant de nouveaux produits, de présenter des témoignages de clients ou de donner à vos clients un aperçu des coulisses de votre entreprise.

Avec Shopify Stories, vous pouvez engager vos clients comme jamais auparavant. Ces histoires riches et riches en médias sont interactives et engageantes, et elles ne manqueront pas de faire une impression durable. De plus, ajouter des histoires à votre boutique Shopify est rapide et facile - il suffit de copier et coller le code dans votre thème, et vous êtes prêt à partir !

Vous avez des questions ? Envoyez-nous un e-mail à et nous répondrons à toutes vos questions.

We cannot guarantee any profits or increases in conversion rates, as these outcomes are dependent on many external and internal factors that are not under our direct control. However, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible eCommerce website design and development services, and we will work closely with you to ensure that your website is optimized for success. We also offer ongoing support and maintenance services to help you manage and grow your online business over time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
i cant afford impulse

I saw this on impulse and wanted to know who could build this
but i saw this and needed to grab it

saw this other places

I saw this other places as well and didnt know if this was theme related or custom work
im really glad to know another company is doing these at affordable pricing

i like it

I actually saw this on one of the shopify themes and wanted this and stumpled on another snippet they had
but this hits the spot thank you

5.0 298 total reviews
Tim Barnhart's profile picture

Tim Barnhart


Posted on Facebook
Julie Wodock's profile picture

Julie Wodock


Posted on Trustpilot
Golfista Apparel Co.'s profile picture

Golfista Apparel Co.

Invalid Date

Posted on Partners

Service reviewed: Theme customization

Ffi Davies's profile picture

Ffi Davies


Posted on Facebook
Gregory Wojtas's profile picture

Gregory Wojtas


Posted on Trustpilot
Kaz's Flags and Tail Bags's profile picture

Kaz's Flags and Tail Bags


Posted on Partners

Service reviewed: Store build or redesign

Heidi Gantz's profile picture

Heidi Gantz


Posted on Facebook
Chris Fontes's profile picture

Chris Fontes


Posted on Trustpilot

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