Megamenu for Dawn Theme For DAWN 6 and Lower

create a large, expandable menu for your website

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**Note this snippet might not work on Shopify paid premium themes due to their codebase.  Please choose which dawn theme you have from the variant selector. 

Please be advised that we no longer support this code snippet. However, you are welcome to use it at your own discretion and make any necessary adjustments as per your requirements. We appreciate your understanding.


We appreciate your interest, and I wanted to reiterate that the snippet is provided as-is and free of charge. As stated in our description, we do not offer formal support, and users may encounter bugs that require personal troubleshooting.We encourage you to make any necessary adjustments to suit your requirements and thank you for your understanding. This is not verified  on Dawn 12

The Megamenu for Dawn Theme is the perfect way to create a large, expandable menu for your website. With this tool, you can easily add or edit existing menus to include a variety of options, making it simple and straightforward to navigate your site. Whether you're looking to provide multiple alternatives or want to display lower-level pages at a glance, the Megamenu for Dawn Theme is the ideal solution.

Megamenus are powerful because they allow website visitors to easily navigate a large number of pages and options within a website. This can be particularly useful for online stores, as it allows customers to easily find the products they are looking for.

Megamenus typically display a large number of links and options in a hierarchical structure, which makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for and explore different sections of the website. Additionally, megamenus can be customized to match a website's design and branding, which can enhance the overall user experience.

Plus, our mega menus are responsive, so they'll look great on any device. So why wait? Give our Megamenu for Dawn Theme a try today! 

Remember what you named the menu so that you can go back to it when assigning it to a specific position in the theme editor.

Theme snippets  documentation ⬅
EG theme snippets installation guide 

Each of the third levels of navigation will have its own column of links. The menu below, for example, provided the arrangement seen above:

When making and assigning an image to the link,  the image must be in the second column nest.  It should not be in the outermost to the left and not the most inner on the right.    
You can have any text you would like for that menu item.  following after is a space along with a character pipe  "|"  then another space.  
To grab the file link,  please go to your files section in the back-end of your Shopify store.  

Once you are here,  upload your file, and then click on the copy link in your files section.  

Paste that code after the character pipe and click save


Got questions? Email us at and we will answer any questions you may have.

This feature works on Dawn theme- If you have purchased any other theme, especially themes by themeforest. This may not work and we do not provide support on any other theme but dawn as it has been confirmed.
**Note snippets are purchased as is
Only one snippet may be used per Shopify store. 

We're aware that there are less expensive ways to add our snippets to your Shopify store, but none that offer the same degree of customization and robust functionality that we do :)

Hiring a designer and/or developer to build up a custom area of your site would need more time and money than it's worth. You'll have a ton of freedom with our sections, and it's easy to set up—all for a flat rate with no hidden fees or recurring expenses. It will save you money in the long term.

After making the payment, you will be emailed a ZIP file containing the sections, assets, or snippet files as well as a link to our settings handbook.

Theme snippets  configuration

Frequently Bought Together

Complete your Dawn Theme with the following snippets.


Code snippets on Shopify are bits of code that improve the functionality of your theme in some manner (like Shopify Apps). The installation of them does not call for any specific technical expertise, and in-depth instructions are included in the package. The primary benefit is that they load quicker than applications, and there are no monthly costs associated with using them.

We take pride in our work!
Please take a look at our portfolio if you are curious to have more work done besides using one of the free themes.

100% safe. We place a high priority on maintaining your confidentiality and safety. When you make a purchase in our store, you will be routed to a secure payment platform for the checkout process, where you will have the option to pay using either PayPal or a credit or debit card.

Yes we can certainly help you! That is what we do best, build out custom themes on Boostrap 5 framework and backend- API's.
Please contact us if you would likle a custom theme.

Yes! we can help you install it as long as you place the order with your myshopify url, we will send over a store access request and finish the process.

Yes, the snippets are sold as is, however we do have updates which you will recieve in your email!

We do not allow the same snippet on multiple stores. Please respect the work we have dedicated to make these amazing snippets for you to better enhance your store and increase conversions!

Dawn Megamenu For Future Dawn themes

In this video, I show you how to transform your simple Dawn theme menu to a beautiful converting megamenu for your customers. Without the need for apps, we provide the code directly into your theme and all you have to do is copy and paste and set up the parent, child, and grandchild navigation menus.


DAWN Theme Accordion Footer

DAWN Theme Accordion Footer is the perfect way to make your footer easy to navigate on mobile. With this code, you can transform your Dawn theme footer into a premium accordion footer!

Compressed and easy to use, this code is the perfect way to improve your website's navigation.


Instagram Gallery For All Themes

DAWN Theme Color Swatches are the perfect way for potential buyers to get a feel for the colors of your products. With just a few clicks, they can see how the colors will look in different lighting and situations. This makes it easier for them to choose the best color goods for their needs.

With the DAWN Theme Color Swatches, you can rest assured that you're getting exactly the hue you want. These swatches are designed to give you a true sense of the colors available, so you can make the best choice for your product.



Our Wishlist Feature for Themes allows customers to keep track of products they're interested in, making it easy for them to come back and purchase later handling this by local storage.



If you're looking for a way to add some customization to your Shopify store, then look no further than the new Custom Liquid feature. With this handy tool, you can easily add code to your store without affecting its speed or performance. Plus, it's super easy to use – simply enter your code and hit save.

And if you're not sure how to code in Liquid, don't worry – there are plenty of resources available online to help you get started. So what are you waiting for? Give Custom Liquid a try today and take your store to the next level!



 Grab the two-for-one promo grid feature to easily and effectively promote across desktop and mobile.



Experience seamless storytelling with our smooth scrolling text feature. Dive deep, read at your pace, and let the narrative unfold.



Scroll more slowly with parallax with media. This creates an illusion of depth and can make a website more visually appealing. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add a parallax scrolling effect to your Shopify store.



Our Wishlist Feature for Themes allows customers to keep track of products they're interested in, making it easy for them to come back and purchase later handling this by local storage. This is independent of the customer and gets saved only for that browser. There is no API involved or needed.  This helps with increased conversions and customer retention, making it a valuable tool for any online business. Plus, our code is simple to copy and paste, so you can get started right away!



Looking to add some extra flair to your Shopify store? The marquee effect is a great way to do just that! In this video, I show you how to add a Shopify marquee text to your theme, turning it from a free theme to a premium one with this easy-to-use feature.

With the marquee effect, you can easily animate scrolling text for promotions and deals, drawing in customers and getting them to click checkout.


Is your Shopify business in need of some code assistance?

Please let us know what you need, and we will respond to you within the next day.

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